Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday To Corlee!!!!!!!

March 18, 2008
March 18, 2009
Wow, How fast a year really does go!

Today we went to the park (with the rest of Forney) for a little bit and had a picnic with some friends. Corlee had the best time! She wore me out! She loved the swings and the slide! Then later we went to the see Chris, he had to work today :(
But Cole and Chloe had used their own money to but Corlee a gift and they did not want to wait until her party. They wanted her to have it ON her birthday. So we took it with us so that Chris could see her open it too! She loved it! It is a sweet little dog that teaches body parts, ABC's, and best of all it sings! Corlee loves music.... she loves to dance to any music!

We had a pretty busy day for such a little girl! Tonight I was cleaning up the kitchen and she brought her passy and blanky to me! This means bed time!!! Sweet Dreams Birthday Girl!


  1. So sweet!! They change so much in just one short year.
    I was thinking her birthday was the 19th...???? Are you sure it is the 18th? haha. Now I feel bad for not meeting you all at the park on her birthday. I could have switched my errands to tomorrow.
    Beware of that dog. It will scare you if left on in a toy box! It has a mind of its own.

  2. What a cutie! Happy Birthday sweet Corlee!
