Friday, May 29, 2009

Trent Update

Many of you have asked me for a Trent update so here it is!

I spoke with Kim, Trent's mom, today and she sounded pretty positive, but a little discouraged about Trent's treatment. He has just finished week 3 of radiation! Which should have been half way but they added a week so Trent will undergo 7 weeks of radiation. The side effects have been minimal. He is experiencing a little hair loss and he is not eating. The not eating is a huge concern right now. The radiation has in a sense killed his taste buds so nothing taste good therefore he is not eating. His not eating is greatly effecting his weight, his blood sugar, and his energy level. All of these things must remain in check or he cannot continue with his treatment. Kim said she would drive to the other side of Houston to get him food if he would only eat it! They saw a Neurologist this week that thinks that Trent is having some seizure activity. They noticed some rapid eye movement and a few other things that give them this idea. They are scheduling a 24 hour observation at the hospital to check this further. The Dr.s are saying that the seizures could be caused by the tumors or that it could be a side effect of the radiation to the brain. The radiation does cause some swelling in the brain therefore it could be that.

I give you all this information to say please don't stop praying now! Kim was in good spirits but she was also down to hear that they have added a week and that there is potential seizure activity. Please continue to pray that God give her strength! She said that Trent has been in good spirits but that this week he has cried often and just wants to go home. I did talk to Trent on the phone! We had a nice conversation about being on summer break! He told me that he loved me and missed me! I assured him that we all loved and missed him too and that we would see him soon! Please continue to pray for God's healing hand to be laid on Trent and that God grant him patience and understanding about being away from home. Please continue to pray for Troy, Trent's dad, and Baylee, Trent's sister. Troy is here working and Baylee is trying to finish her last week of school while at the same time they are very worried about their son and brother! And I ask that you please pray for all of the Dr.'s and specialist that Trent is seeing, please pray for their wisdom while treating our good friend. God is good and I know when we take the time to ask he listens.

The Travers family has been very blessed by many of God's people already and Kim was very appreciative today! They were granted a FREE stay at The Marriott Residence Inn in Houston, they have received many gift cards to restaurants and stores from total strangers. This is in addition to the many cards, toys, books, gifts....they received from Trent's friends at Little Red!

Again Thank You All! It is an honor of mine to have such wonderful friends and family! It really feels amazing to know that so many of you have placed Trent in your hearts and prayers when you don't even know him! But like I have said before when you are one of my students you have a special place in my heart...So Trent is part mine!
Thanks again ...Keep those prayers a coming!!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Field Day

Well the kids had Field Day yesterday at their school. Chris and I were both able to go and help. I volunteered to help with Chloe's class and Chris went with Cole's. They both had a good time! There were a total of 17 stations but a few of their favorites were bounce house obstacle course, hippity hop race, football throw, sack race, three-legged race, and the 30 yard dash (Chloe liked this I am not sure Cole can run 30 yards). As I said before the kids had a great time and all of the students were well behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves.
I on the other hand want to know what happened to the days of real "Field Day"? When I was a kid (this makes me feel old) we really ran races and competed against each other! What a novel idea. This motto of "everyone is a winner" is for the birds. The real world does not treat us all as winners. We have to compete every day. We compete for jobs, parking spaces, a good seat in the movie theatre, we women compete with other women for best dressed, best hair, most well behaved children... the list goes on. And men I know you compete with each other too. Everytime I saw Chris today he was standing with a group of dads and they all had that "Yea I'm the Man" stance...You know the one I am talking about...Standing real tall (I guess you don't want to be the shortest), arms crossed in front of you(trying to hide your belly???), head held high(what's this about), all of them just a talking ...competing for the best story! So see we all compete and we are not all winners...Sometimes we have to lose. And this is one thing that I think kids aren't good at. Kids these days don't know how to lose. I know none of us like to lose but we have to teach our children how to lose with dignity. How to get right back up and try again! How to try, try, try again! So I think I will start a Facebook Group called "Bring Back Field Day"...Do you want to be a member?
Okay enough for my soap box here are a few pics from Field Day. I am sorry to report that I do not have a picture of Chris racing Cole on the Hippity Hop Ball Race...I would have loved to have seen that for myself!!!

The little boy to the left of Chloe is her "friend" Grant! She talks about Grant all the time and apparently Grant talks about Chloe all the time. Grant recently told Chloe that she looked "HOT" with her hair down so now it is a fight to get her to wear a ponytail to school! WOW...Already!

Cole is in the middle with the hat on! Go Hippity Hop Go! Wouldn't you like to see Chris on these!

See Cole is not a good loser at all but we are trying!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Granny and PaPa Ray

Last week we had a wonderful visit with Cole, Chloe, and Corlee's Great-Grandparents. They came down from Virginia to spend some time with Chris' parents and us! The kids were very excited to get to see them. We only see them about once a year so it is a fun time when they are here! They had not been here since May of last year so Corlee had changed ALOT. They spent one day with us and we went and had lunch with the kids at school, did a little shopping, and let Corlee entertain them for the rest of the afternoon! We got very lucky with the weather and Granny and PaPa Ray were able to see Chloe play her last soccer game of the season (in the rain but no lightning)and Cole play a baseball game. Chris' grandfather is a huge sports fan so I think he really enjoyed seeing the kids play their games. Chris even arranged with the opposing team for PaPa Ray to throw the first pitch of the game! Cole is the catcher for his team so that was really special! Cole even said at dinner that night that he felt like it was an honor. We had a great week and it was hard to see them leave. The kids are already asking when we can go to Virginia again! I just haven't answered them yet...I don't know when I will be ready for a 21 hour car ride with 3 kids!!!
It took Corlee all of about 5 minutes to warm up to them!

And the first pitch is a ....STRIKE!

And she even scored a goal for them!!!

We Love You and Miss You Granny and Ray!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Finally Captured It!!!

Corlee loves music and loves to dance! She will even dance to the ring tone on our phones! However in the car she is very limited in her moves due to the car seat. Well she does not let that seat stop her anymore! I have been trying to capture her dancing in the car seat for a while now but it never fails either I am driving or I don't have the camera in the car with me. But today we were on our way home from Chloe's soccer game, Chris was driving, I had the camera and one of Corlee's favorite songs came on! (I know it is not the most appropriate song...but it is the beat that she likes!!!)

This girl can dance :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Contagious Laugh

Corlee was trying to blow bubbles in the bath tub last night. Just listen to her laugh! Sorry if the video is shaking her laugh is contagious! **Warning** She does get choked at the end of the video but I turned off the camera just before she threw up in the tub! On a side note Chloe sure did get out of the tub in a hurry!

Trent Update

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my student, Trent. Yesterday was his last day of school with us :( He will begin his radiation treatments in Houston on Monday. As a school we took up a collection of money as well as "gifts". We put together a basket of goodies for Trent and his mom. The response was overwhelming! We collected a little over $2000.00 and a HUGE basket full of games, cards, magazines, workbooks, play-doh, markers, snacks, gift cards..... It is such a good feeling to do something nice for a friend in need.

However, they are still searching for a place to stay...yes, there are hotels available but that gets a little pricey for the length of time they are going to be there. So please keep those prayers flowing! Not only for housing but for Trent and his family. I cannot even imagine what they are going through! Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers! Here is a picture of my sweet Trent!