Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I had a "little" help getting the laundry folded yesterday afternoon!

I just don't know why I can't get more done in a day! I mean look at all the help I get around here! (But isn't she cute!)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

The older I get the more I appreciate Easter and all it stands for! What a wonderful day we had, rejoicing in the fact the "He Has Risen!!!" We hope that you and your families had an amazing day as well! Here are a few pics from our day.

Corlee was especially excited about what the "bunny" had brought her! Peeps for breakfast!

What magnificent kids!

"Our Crew"

Corlee loves her big Bubba and Sis!

Our kids with their best buds!

Were were trying to get a kid shot. Notice in the background where Corlee is! She was finished having her pic made and she was on the run!

Sassy Girls!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Student...

Trent Travers, one of my 6 year old kindergarten student at LRSH, has been diagnosed with a rare brain tumor called Ganglioglioma’s. Trent is the son of Troy and Kim Travers. The Travers family has a history with Little Red Schoolhouse. Trent’s big sister, Baylee, also attended Little Red several years ago!
Trent was a little over 3 years old when he was originally diagnosed. He began having seizures which led to a series of test including a MRI which revealed a tumor in the temporal lobe of his brain as well as a smaller tumor in the third ventricle. Trent underwent his first brain surgery in July of 2006, at the age of 3, with the goal of removing the tumor in the temporal lobe. They were able to remove all but a “small slice” near his optic nerve. Trent underwent a second surgery in October of 2007, at the age of 4, to try and remove the smaller tumor located in the third ventricle. They thought they removed all but “bread crumbs” of the tumor. However, an MRI in February of this year revealed an increase in the size of each of the two tumors.
After numerous trips to Children’s Hospital Dallas, several trips to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, many, many tests, several consultations with doctors, and lots of prayer a final determination has been made and a plan of action has been put into place. On May 4th, 2009 Trent will travel to MD Anderson in Houston to begin a 6 week regiment of Proton Radiation Therapy. The goal of the therapy is to diminish both tumors. Trent will undergo radiation while under anesthesia for 1 hour a day for 6 weeks. At the end of 6 weeks they will re-evaluate the tumors in hopes to find that they have accomplished their goal and Trent can return home!

This sweet family is needs everyones prayers! This is going to be a very difficult time for them. When I asked Trent's mom what I could do for them her reply was "Just put Trent on your prayer list!" So not only is Trent on my prayer list he is on our church prayer list and I am now asking all of you to include Trent in your prayers as well. All of you teachers reading this know how attached we become to our students...please pray for Trent he is part mine!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Busy Weekend

We have had a busy weekend around here! Our neighborhood hosted their community garage sale this weekend so in between baseball games, soccer games, egg hunts, laundry, and house cleaning we managed to make a few dollars!
Friday evening Cole had his first baseball scrimmage of the season. His team as been practicing for a few weeks now but the season does not actually start until mid April. He is still in the Coach-Pitch age bracket so that makes Chris not only the coach but the pitcher for the team. Cole played catcher most of the game and did a great job! He even kept Chris on track with how many balls, strikes, and pitches each kid had! He batted twice and got on base both times! He had a good time! Go Pirates!!!
Saturday morning Chloe had her 2nd soccer game of the season. The Ballhogs are on a winning streak yet again! They are currently 2-0. However Chloe has not really contributed to their winning streak, she has not played her best lately :( We told her last night that they would trade her for a better player if she didn't get in the game!
After the soccer game we went to our church for the Easter Egg hunt! The kids enjoyed face painting, games, and of course egg hunting! Cole and Chloe both really wanted to find the PRIZE egg this year, but they didn't. And Corlee was perfectly happy after picking up one egg!
Ready to hunt!

After the egg hunt they asked all the children to empty their eggs, keep the candy, but to place the empty plastic eggs in the large red tubs so that the plastic eggs could be recycled. Well Corlee liked being in the red tub..she thought it was lots of fun to be in there with the eggs!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

12 Month Check Up

Well I took Corlee for her 12 month check up today!
She did really good. She told Dr. Bergman "Hi" and "Bye", She danced for him, and laughed and giggled for him. She was really showing off! Here are her stats from today's visit:

Weight - 20.3 lbs
Length - 30 in
Head Circumference - 45 cm

He said that she was about average length and on the light side for her weight! (I hope she enjoys the light side...I know with her gene pool it won't last!) She got the chicken pox vaccine and a TB test. She only cried for a second. She was smiling and waving bye to everyone in the office!
My only concern this time was that she won't drink milk...But good ole Dr. B told me not to worry. He said as long as she was eating yogurt and cheese she would be fine! And she does!!!

Just for grins this is how she compares to Cole and Chloe at 12 months:

Cole: Weight - 25.9lbs Length - 30 1/2 in
(Corlee is 5.6 lbs lighter and 1/2 in shorter)
Chloe: Weight - 19.1lbs Length - 30 in Head:44 1/2 cm
(Corlee is 1.2 lbs heavier, same length, head 1/2 cm larger)

So my hope is she will be built more like Chloe...however...she does have Cole's (and Pop-O's)short little legs!!!